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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 07:51:16
对长句的定义不同的学者对此定义有所区别,但大致为:英语长句主要是指语法、结构复杂,修饰成分较多,内容层次在两个或两个以上的复合句,亦可指含义较多的简单句[4].英语长句是在简单句的基础上通过使用较长的修饰语而变长,使用从句而使句子变复杂.这些从句又常常通过引导词或其它连接成分,使得整个句子错综复杂,犹如一棵枝繁叶茂的参天大树,浑然一体[5].因此笔者认为英语长句一般是指20个单词左右的句子,其句子除了主谓宾,主系表以及“there be”的结构主干外,还携带有各种修饰成分(如从句、短语或独立主格),其定语或状语可以一环套一环,修饰中另有修饰或限定,形成峰回路转、错综复杂的长句结构,最长的句子有事可达上百个单词.所以翻译长句时首先找出其语法主干,然后理清各种修饰成分之间的逻辑关系,搞懂长句的结构和要表达的信息.
Definition of the long sentences of different scholars on the definitions differ,but generally is:mainly refers to the syntax of English long sentences,structure complex,modifiers,and content level in two or more complex,simple sentences can also mean more [4].English long sentences had been adopted on the basis of simple sentences got longer and longer modifier,use clauses make sentences complex.These clauses are often connected by the amount of energy or other components,makes the whole complex of the sentence as if it were a luxuriant tree grows as tall as trees,seamless [5].So I think English long sentence General is means 20 a word around of sentences,its sentences apart from main that guest,main of table and "there be" of structure trunk outside,also carry has various modified components (as clauses,and phrase or independent main grid),its attribute or adverbial can a ring sets a ring,modified in the another has modified or qualified,formed twists,and complex of long sentence structure,most long of sentences something can up Shang hundreds of Word.So when translating long sentences to first figure out the syntax trunk and clear logical relationships between the various modifiers,understand long sentences information structure and expression.