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英语周报2014 2015高三外研25期

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英语周报2014 2015高三外研25期
Book 8 Modules 4-6
1-5 BCBAC 6-10 ACABA
11-15 CBCBA 16-20 CBCAB
21-25 BDBCC 26-30 BADDA
31-35 ADCAD 36-40 ACBEG
41-45 BCDCA 46-50 BCCDA
51-55 BCABD 56-60 ABDAD
61. in 62. because
63. valuable 64. popularity
65. were needed 66. caught
67. where 68. living
69. that / which 70. the
71. ... 1.83 meter tall. meter → meters
72. ... short than me ... short → shorter
73. When I start ... start → started
74. ... at me curious.
curious → curiously
75. ... an annoyed problem.
annoyed → annoying
76. ... a shop calling ...
calling → called
77. ... much more worse! 去掉more
78. ... always different at ...
at → from / to / than
79. ... be same as ... same前加the
80. ... and being positive ... being → be
One possible version:
18th December, 2014
3 p.m.
Dear Uncle,
Mr. Brown, your colleague, has called to inform you that you are supposed to be at the lawyer's office at 10 sharp tomorrow morning. He wants you to bring the file containing the company's property details with you.
In addition, you've been invited to the company's dinner party to be held at the Great Wall Hotel at 7 o'clock tomorrow evening.
I am going to the gym and please call me when you see this message.
Li Hua\&]
本文是一则访谈.文章是对英国年轻的星级名厨Tom Sellers的采访记录.
21. B.细节理解题.由文中的I fell in love with food because it's a great way to connect with people可知B项正确.
22. D.推理判断题.由文中的Tom Aikens (London) 及I worked with Tom Aikens at a young age and he gave me ... 可知,Tom Aikens饭店是以其老板的名字命名的.
23. B.推理判断题.由最后一段中的It's about a boy living the dream. I always wanted to open a restaurant and I never knew if it would be possible可知,Tom Sellers孩童时代就想开饭店,再由文章第一段可知,他已经实现了孩童时代的梦想.
24. C.细节理解题.由第二段中的an international program ... respond to emotions可知,ROE的目的是促进孩子们在情感方面的发展.
25. C.数字计算题.由第二段中的Jack Luther ... nine times during the school year可知,这个婴儿和他的母亲在本学年来学校九次.由第三段中的Besides giving ... the baby visits可知,Ryan Middleton除了在婴儿来学校的时候给学生们上课之外,在婴儿来之前的和之后的一周也给学生们上课.那么Ryan Middleton本学年将给学生们上27次课.
26. B.推理判断题.由第四段可知,Gordon认为有些人对他人实施侵犯行为是因为他们不能理解他人的感受.
27. A.推理判断题.通过Schmidt老师的话和马尼托巴省的研究结果可以看出,ROE计划取得了成功.
28. D.细节理解题.由第二段中的The main reason the saguaro cactus makes ... covering is cut可知,很多种鸟都喜欢在这种仙人掌里筑巢是因为它能分泌一种特殊的蜡.
29. D.细节理解题.由第三段中的... makes the nest a waterproof, pleasant home. The spines ... attack them可知,棕曲嘴鹪鹩的巢既安全又舒服.
30. A.推理判断题.由第五段中的Their beaks cannot cut through a cactus可知,姬鸮的喙应该比较短.
31. A.写作目的题.本文解释了北美的很多种鸟都喜欢在一种树形仙人掌里筑巢的原因,同时也描述了它们筑巢的过程.故选A.
32. D.细节理解题.由第一段中的With my father ... in this field可知,作者选国际关系作为自己的专业,原因之一是他深受家庭的影响.
33. C.细节理解题.由第一段中的I believe that ... Saudi Foreign Service可知,作者将来想在此工作.
34. A.篇章结构题.联系上一句I believe history ... those around me可知,it指代的是history.
35. D.推理判断题.由最后一段中的Throughout high school, I have used a variety of media to express myself可知,作者在高中阶段获得了那两个奖项.
本文是记叙文.文章记录身在美国的Peggy Bartels在成为部落首领后所过的双重生活.
36. A.由Peggy's elderly uncle, the king of Otuam, is dead可知,这里是说带来了坏消息.与下文的good news相对应.
37. C.由Traditionally, kings are men可知,这里是说“Peggy是一位女性”,而通常情况下首领是男性.
38. B.由下一段内容After three sleepless nights, Peggy accepts. She becomes the first female king of Otuam可知,这里是说“Peggy成了新的首领”.
39. E.由本段中讲到的Peggy在美国和在加纳两地的生活可知,这里是说“Peggy过着双重生活”.
40. G.“计划在村庄建学校”是Peggy帮助村民的具体行为.
41. B.下文的to work hard and make a better ... 是Enrique的“梦想(dream)”.
42. C.Enrique努力工作是为了有更好的“生活(life)”.
43. D.由上文的lived in the shadows of society可知,Enrique一直在暗处生活,直到最近才因为生病在医院“露面(showed up)”.
44. C.由下文没法得到治疗这一情况可知,Enrique面临着一个“痛苦的(painful)”事实.
45. A.由上文的a treatable case of tumor可知,Enrique的癌症是完全“可以治疗的(curable)”.
46. B.如果得不到恰当的“治疗(treatment)”,Enrique有可能在六个月内去世.
47. C.第一段中的illegal immigrants是提示.
48. C.由上文的the state's “safety net” for medical treatment no longer pays to care for可知,医院按惯例会“拒绝(turns away)”付不起医药费的病人.
49. D.Enrique在生与死之间的挣扎“使得(caused)”相关的医护人员重新考虑.
50. A.由上文的reconsider可知,大家开始“召开(held)”会议重新商议此事.
51. B.这是生死攸关的“事情(matter)”,所以大家高度重视.
52. C.本文讨论的焦点是医疗费用问题,所以此处是说Enrique如果“更有钱(wealthier)”,就可以得到治疗.
53. A.由转折连词But及下文医护人员的努力可知,这次他们“没有(instead of)”说对不起.
54. B.由下文医护人员和制药公司的各种努力可知,这里是说要“做(do)”一些事情.
55. D.因为Enrique没有钱,所以医务人员是“奉献(donated)”自己的时间.
56. A.除了医务人员需要花费心血以外,治疗本身也“花费(cost)”很多.
57. B.58. D.因为治疗本身需要费用,医务人员“接触(approached)”医药公司,有两家主动提供“药物(medication)”.
59. A.由文末的because enough people cared可知,捐款“源源不断地到来(flowing in)”.
60. D.因为大家的关心,Enrique得到了第二次生命的“机会(chance)”.
61. in.考查介词.dress in表示“穿着……”.
62. because.考查连词.设空处引导的表语从句给出上一句所表述内容的原因,故填because.
63. valuable.考查形容词.设空处作表语,且用于as ... as ... 结构,故填形容词.
64. popularity.考查名词.设空处作主语,且由its限定,故填名词.
65. were needed.考查时态和语态.由上文可知设空处need所表示的动作发生在过去,且snails与need之间是被动关系,故填were needed.
66. caught.考查省略.设空处所在句省略了与主句主语相同的the snails 及were,故填caught.
67. where.考查关系词.设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰先行词bins,且在从句中作地点状语,故填where.
68. living.考查非谓语动词.avoid后用动词-ing形式短语作宾语,故填living.
69. that / which.考查关系词.设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰先行词dye,且在从句中作主语,故填that / which.
70. the.考查冠词.upper class是特指,故前面用the.


I. 1-5 CBCBD
II. 1-5 CBCDC 6-10 DCABB
11-15 CDADA 16-20 BCAAB
1. C.推理判断题.由第二段中Herb Kohl 所说的I believe they are the right people and the right fit at the right time可以推断,他对这次收购比较满意.
2. B.细节理解题.由第三段中的won the bid in part because of their commitment to keep the team in Wisconsin及第四段中的Kohl, a Wisconsin native, bought the team 29 years ago, and said he was committed to keeping it in his home state可知,Herb Kohl希望把球队卖给不把它搬出威斯康星州的人.
3. C.细节理解题.由第四段开头的Lasry runs Avenue Capital together with his sister, Sonia Gardner, and Edens co-founded Fortress Investment Group可知,Lasry 和Edens现在经营两家不同的公司.
4. B.段落大意题.倒数第二段是对倒数第三段Lasry and Edens now join a growing list of Wall Street billionaires who have turned their love of sports into team ownerships的进一步说明,具体介绍华尔街精英购买体育运动队的例子.
5. D.标题归纳题.文章首段点明本篇新闻报道的主题:华尔街对冲基金巨头购买密尔沃基雄鹿队.
1. C.由下文的They begin to suffer from tiredness, headaches and sleep problems可知,这里应该是说感觉“不舒服(uncomfortable)”.
2. B.此处是综述什么情况下容易发生时差反应,所以用In general.
3. C.由上文的air travel可知,这里是说“飞行(flights)”.
4. D.此处是说明在同一时区向北或向南飞行不会有时差反应的原因,所以选since.
5. C.同一时区不管往南还是往北,时间跟飞机“出发时(starts)”的时间都是一样的.
6. D.飞行本身也会造成旅客的“劳累(tired)”.
7. C.由is all pushed ahead可知,此处是说“时间表(schedule)”.
8. A.you may face jet lag problems 与前面的adjust more easily之间为转折关系,选However.
9. B.由下文的It helps to regulate human behaviors可知,此处应该填controls.
10. B.丘脑下部“通过(through)”眼睛来感受光.
11. C.丘脑下部通过眼睛来感受光,“因此(Thus)”当眼睛接触清晨或傍晚比往常太早或太晚的时候,丘脑下部就会让特定的行为发生.
12. D.由上文多次出现的travelers可以得到提示.
13. A.如果身体没有为这些活动“做好准备(ready)”,时差反应就会发生.
14. D.由上文的Your daily ... of meals and sleep time is all pushed ahead可知,这里是说正常周期的“改变(change)”.
15. A.eating and going to the bathroom 是对normal cycle of sleep and bodily functions举例进行说明.
16. B.正常周期发生改变以后,身体要适应“新的(new)”时间表.
17. C.身体感觉不到吃饭的“必要(need)”.
18. A.这里指适应新时区的“过程(process)”.
19. A.由下文的... before traveling such as eating healthily, exercising, and getting plenty of sleep可知,这里是说“预防(prevent)”时差反应的方法.
20. B.在飞机上,适当的运动是“重要的(important)”.