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高三外研英语周报 第四期 2014-2015 book 2 modules

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高三外研英语周报 第四期 2014-2015 book 2 modules
60. It made an apology to her.
61. ... you ask me ... ask → asked
62. ... two thousands years. thousands → thousand
63. ... used to practicing ... practicing → practice
64. ... defend ourselves from ... ourselves → themselves
65. ... practiced keep people ... keep前加to
66. ... strong and health. health → healthy
67. ... after the school. 去掉the
68. ... whether you want to ... whether → if
69. ... welcome some time. some → any
70. ... forward to hear ... hear → hearing
One possible version:
In the picture, we can see five fingers of a hand. Each of them is showing off its function or advantage, trying to prove that it’s the most important of all.
The picture vividly reflects a common phenomenon in our real life. In many organizations, each one thinks he or she contributes most and plays the most important part. Just as the saying goes, “Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest”.
However, things are not always what they appear to be. The reality is that everyone in a team plays his own part and is equally important. Even though someone is more important sometimes, without the help of others, nothing can ever be done. It is teamwork that really matters. Lacking any finger, a hand cannot be called a complete hand any more.
1. B.taste 作系动词时,意为“尝起来,有……味道”, 没有被动语态,也不用于进行时,故选B项.
2. A.so / such ... that ... 句型中,so /such 后接形容词修饰的单数可数名词时的结构为:“so + 形容词+ a(n) +单数可数名词+ that 从句”或“such +a(n) + 形容词+单数可数名词+ that从句”.
3. C.主语fire 和injure 之间是主谓关系,且injure 所表示的动作和主句谓语动作同时发生,故用injuring.
4. D.题意:这个地区严重的干旱使得农民们很担心(anxious)收成.curious好奇的;cautious 谨慎的,慎重的;serious严肃的.
5. C.天冷时,一些鸟儿飞往南方是一种习惯性、重复性的行为,故用will.
6. B.设空处引导表语从句,且在从句中作原因状语,故选why.
7. A.would rather do sth. 意为“宁愿做某事”.
8. B.设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词time,且在从句中作时间状语,故选when.
9. C.become addicted to 是固定搭配,意为“沉迷于,对……上瘾”.
10. A.由I have never seen a worse one可知,应答者同意对方的观点,故用I couldn’t agree more(我完全赞同).
11. B.由第六段中的losing his job 可推测,箱子里装满了父亲“办公室(office)”的物品.12. C.由第六段中的losing his job 可知,父亲那天“被解雇(laid off)”了.
13. C.父亲告诉儿子自己被解雇的消息时情绪应该很低落,故声音应该很低.quietly轻声地.14. D.作者注意到父亲严肃的表情才意识到他是真的被解雇了.
15. B.由倒数第二段中的I always knew he was a hard worker 可知.
16. A.由下文的Providing for our family has been his joy 可推测,父亲总是因他的“事业(career)”而自豪.
17. B.由下文的he was home all the time ... 可知,此处是说父亲的“失业(unemployment)”给家人的生活带来很多变化.
18. C.19. A.父亲一直在家“意味着(meant)”作者不得不整理床铺,清理房间,并且一放学就“做(done)”家庭作业.
20. B.由下文的searching for jobs 可知,父亲总是坐在“电脑(computer)”旁找工作.
21. C.尽管父亲尽力保持“乐观(optimistic)”,但作者还是注意到他情绪低落.
22. D.由上文的He asked my brother and me to spend less 可推断,作者“放弃了(gave up)”自己的零用钱.
23. D.除了放弃零用钱,作者“还(also)”找了一份兼职.
24. B.父亲“解释(explained)”说他不想再被解雇了.
25. C.由上文的Day by day, I watched him build it 可推断,此处强调父亲为创业付出的艰辛令作者“ 钦佩(admired)”.
26. A.由下文的it doesn’t interfere with school 可推测,作者问父亲他是否需要“帮助(help)”.
27. B.父亲说“只有(Only if)”不影响作者的学习才接受作者的帮助.
28. A.由下文的watching him in action可推断,作者“来到了(showed up)”父亲的办公室.29. C.虽然作者一直知道父亲工作很努力,但是看父亲工作“ 真的(really)”影响了作者.30. D.由上文可知,父亲失业期间是作者的“家庭(family)”最困难的一段时期.
31. C.细节理解题.由文中的“Don’t do that!” the burglar says. The sound of his voice shows his exact location 可知,Homer通过窃贼的声音确定了他的位置.
32. B.推理判断题.由文中的an out-of-control truck is heading straight for Charlie ... He hits me so hard that I fall over ... The speeding truck hits Geo instead 可推断,Geo 将 Charlie 撞倒在地是为了让Charlie 避开失控的卡车.
33. D.词义猜测题.由下文的We’re wasting time chasing a dog when we should be searching for human victims 可推断,Chase 对Teddy的行为感到恼怒.故选annoyed.
34. B.推理判断题.在火灾现场,面对消防员的提问,这位母亲确定自己的大儿子已经逃出来了;但是Teddy 带领消防员找到并救出了在地下室失去意识的大儿子.据此可推断,Teddy 证明这位母亲的判断是错误的.
B 篇(个人情况)
本文是记叙文.文章讲述了残疾人 Haben Girma 争取自身权益并不断提升自我的故事.
35. D.篇章结构题.由第二段可知, Girma 要求学校自助食堂将每天每个食品站的菜单用电子邮件发送给她,但是自助食堂只有一半的时间做 到.Girma 就此问题投诉后,自助食堂的经理答复说食堂的工作人员很忙等.故划线词指代“学校自助食堂的工作人员”.
36. C.细节理解题.由第三段可知,投诉无效后,Girma 声明食堂如果拒绝将每天每个食品站的菜单用电子邮件发送给她,她将依法起诉食堂.第二天食堂经理就向她道歉并答应了 她的要求.
37. A.细节理解题.由最后一段末的It really helped develop my confidence. If I can go build a school in West Africa, I can go to law school可知.
38. D.推理判断题.通读全文可知,作为残疾人,Girma 依法维护自己的权益,不断挑战自我,不让身体缺陷限制自己的发展,最终成为哈佛法学院的学生.故D项正确.
C 篇(日常活动)
39. D.细节理解题.由第二段中的 advises to keep chores and allowances totally separate可知. 40. B.推理判断题.由第三段中的 You’re going to sit them down and ask what’s going on. ‘We’re a team. We’re a family ... 可推断,Susie Walton 建议如果孩子不做家务,父母应该和他们谈谈家庭责任.
41. D.推理判断题.由第六段中的if the allowance isn’t tied to household chores 及money management skills ... kids can be made responsible for paying for ...,再结合a straight allowance 的字面意思可推断,其意思是父母给孩子的、和家务无关的、单纯的零用钱.
42. B.推理判断题.由倒数第二段中的that’s a good lesson to learn at 9 years old 可推断,作者对Kevin 的行 为持赞许的态度.
43. D.细节理解题.由第三段中的 The Earth doesn’t circle the sun in exactly 365 days ... the extra fraction of a day would cause the calendar to grow apart from the seasons over time 可知. 44. C.细节理解题.由第五段首句可知,现今普遍使用的格列高利历在 Caesar的历法的基础上做了改进.
45. B.推理判断题.由第五段可知,能被4整除的年份才是闰年,但世纪之交年能被400 整除才叫闰年,故B项 正确.
46. B.细节理解题.由文章最后一段 的Statistics show that in non-leap years, about 80 percent still celebrate their birthdays in February, rather than on March 1 可知正确答案为B项.
47. D.句意理解题.由转折语气及下文的partly because an unhappy customer complained about him 以及 Rutherford is now selling recreational vehicles in Oklahoma City. He seems to understand that getting paid for good reviews crosses the line 可推断,Rutherford作假书评的公司在不到一年的时间里停业了.
48. A.推理判断题.由第八段中的 such a self-serving distinction 可推断,作者对Rutherford 所谓的 “marketing reviews”持批评态度.
49. B.细节理解题.由最后一段中的 Amazon’s role in encouraging this false five-star universe可知.
50. C.主旨大意题.通读全文可知,本文主要探讨了网上虚假书评这一问题,并分析了出现这一问题的诸多原因,故C项正确.