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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 18:04:05
To the foreign office or residence,shall be agreed in advance,notification,and arrive on time.If no one to greet him before the door bell or knock on the door,after the owner promised to get access to the rear.If no one crashed,can wait a bit again after the bell or knock on the door (but rang the bell,it will not take too long).No one with or without owner permission is not allowed to enter.Because the incident is not urgent or prior agreement,but they have to go to when they should try to avoid in the middle of the night to disturb the other person; as a last resort,have to meet each other at the break when the people should be seen immediately after the first interview apologize,saying "I'm sorry ,disturbed,"and explain the reason to disturb.The owner or should be allowed to host the invitation,can enter the room.Despite the talk of the things that are sometimes very short time,it should enter the room,not standing in the doorway to talk to.Sometimes,the owner is not invited to enter the room,you can retreat to the door outside to talk.Into the room,such as the time required for shorter words,you can not sit down,things do not stay in Bi; such as the time required for a longer,they should be seated at the invitation of the owner.No pre-agreed circumstances,the time try not to talk too long.Was invited to a foreigner at home visits,our guests,should be proposed or agreed to the time the owner arrived early to late,or are offensive.In the event of late,should apologize.To visit,generally scheduled for 10:00 or 16:00 or so.Snacks and drinks available in the West used to entertain guests not to reject it should taste,but received a beverage to be consumed (but is not used,we also should not be forced).Without the owner's invitation or not to obtain the consent of the owner,the owner shall not be required to visit the courtyard and housing.Under the leadership of the master can visit the house,but even more familiar with my friends to go to touch,including books,flowers and other personal items and indoor furnishings.The people of the host family should be greetings,with particular regards to his wife (husband) and children.With children present,should take the initiative to shake hands with their children,the pro-holds that like.Tended family dogs and cats and should not be expressed fear,hate,do not kick the it boom it.Leave,to be polite to host a farewell and thank the master reception.There are also meetings between the leadership on foreign worth noting 中文意思是:到外国人办公室或住所,均应预先约定、通知,并按时抵达.如无人迎候,进门先按铃或敲门,经主人应允后方得进入.如无人应声,可稍等片刻后再次按铃或敲门(但按铃时间不要过长).无人或未经主人允许,则不得擅自进入.因事急或事先并无约定,但又须前往时,则应尽量避免在深夜打搅对方;如万不得已,非得在休息时间约见对方时,则应见到约见人后立即先致歉意,说“对不起,打搅了”,并说明打搅的原因.经主人允许或应主人邀请,可进入室内.尽管有时洽谈的事情所需时间很短,也应进入室内,不要站在门口进行谈话.有时,主人未邀请进入室内,则可退到门外,在室外进行谈话.进入室内,如说话所需时间较短,则可不必坐下,事毕也不要逗留;如所需时间较长,则要在主人邀请之下方可入座.在预先并没有约定的情况下,谈话的时间尽量不要过长.应邀到外国人家里拜访、作客,应按主人提议或同意的时间抵达,早到或迟到都是不礼貌的.如发生迟到的情况,应致歉意.进行拜访,一般安排在上午十时或下午四时左右.西方习惯备有小吃和饮料招待,客人不要拒绝,应品尝一下,接受的饮料应喝掉(但实在不习惯时,也不必勉强).不经主人的邀请或没有获得主人的同意,不得要求参观主人的庭院和住房.在主人的带领下可参观住宅,但即使是较熟悉的朋友也不要去触动除书籍、花草以外的个人物品和室内的陈设.对主人家中的人都应问候,尤其应问候夫人(丈夫)和子女.有小孩在场,应主动与孩子握手、亲抱表示喜欢.家中养有猫狗的,不应表示出害怕、讨厌,不要去踢它轰它.离开时,应有礼貌地向主人告别,感谢主人的接待.此外还有关于外国领导之间的见面应该注意的: