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用英语介绍七大洲 急内容包括人口 面积 主要国家 语言基本的地理特征 著名的城市 至少5个著名景点注意 用英语 分别介绍

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 06:03:07
用英语介绍七大洲 急
内容包括人口 面积 主要国家 语言基本的地理特征 著名的城市 至少5个著名景点
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Overview -- [name of Antarctica. Is the final arrival of the mainland, also known as the "seventh continent." Location : Located in the southernmost tip of the Earth. Almost all the land in the Antarctic circle, surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. Is the world's geographic latitude highest one Chau. Area : total area of about 14 million square kilometers, or about the world's total land area of 9.4%. Scope : from around the Antarctic continent, and continental ice islands, the mainland area of 12.393 million square kilometers, continental ice area of 1.582 million square kilometers, the island area of 76,000 square kilometers. Geographical areas : Antarctica pm East and West Antarctica Antarctica in two parts. East Antarctica from east longitude 30 ° extension to 170 ° east longitude, including Coutts, the Queen Maud Land Enderby, Wilkes, George V Coast, Victoria Land, Antarctica and the pole plateau. Area of 10.18 million square kilometers. West Antarctica is located at longitude 50 ° -160 °, including the Antarctic Peninsula, Alexander Island, Ellsworth, as well as Byrd Land (Mary. Byrd Land), an area of 2.29 million square kilometers. Residents : Antarctica, the only continent some from other scientific whaling and test teams, no permanent residents. History : 1738? 739, the French Kazibwe maritime Antarctic discovered in a nearby island (this Kazibwe Island). 1772? 775, Cook arrived at the British Antarctic located near the South Shetland Islands. 1820? 821, Americans Palmer, Tsarist Russia who Bellingshausen and Novolazarevskaya. British Bransfield have discovered that the Antarctic continent. 1838? 842, Ross British, French Dierweier. Wilkes and other Americans visited the Antarctic continent. December 1911 Amundsen of Norway and other four people first arrived in the Antarctic Pole. 1928-1929, and the Americans made several Antarctic flight inspection, and establish a "mini Asia and the United States Geography base." [Antarctic Expedition -- international activities in December 1959, 12 countries signed the "Antarctic Treaty." Its main contents are : Antarctica used only for peaceful purposes, and to ensure that in the Antarctic regions freedom of scientific investigation. to promote scientific study of international cooperation, prohibited in all areas of the Antarctic with military activities and the nature of nuclear explosions and the disposal of radioactive waste. Antarctic freeze on the territorial requirements. At present, many countries in the world have acceded to the "Antarctic Treaty." China and the Antarctic : November 20, 1984, China sent 591 members of the Antarctic expedition team. on the "Xiangyanghong 10" Antarctic exploration ship first went to the station and inspected. February 1985 Antarctic Great Wall of China on King George Island, the southern tip of the peninsula Fildes completed, geographical coordinates of latitude 62 ° 12'59 "W 58 ° 57'52" from the Beijing 17501.9 km. November 20, 1988 and 1989 on April 10 in east China's polar expedition team in Antarctica Larsemann Hills China on the establishment of the Zhongshan Station in Antarctica, the Zhongshan Station geographical coordinates of latitude 69 ° 22'24 " east longitude 76 ° 22'24 ", 12553.2 km from Beijing. from the South Pole [2,903 km coastline of the Antarctic environment -- the mainland coastline of about 24,700 km. Marginal Seas of Antarctica and marginal sea island belonging to the South Pacific in another high-Jin Billings, the Ross Sea. Amundsen Sea and belongs to the South Atlantic, such as the SEA. The main island is Auckland Islands, Kazibwe Island, South Shetlands Islands, South Ossetia Paradise Islands, Adelaide Island, Alexander Island, Peter the First Island, South Georgia Island, Prince Edward Islands and the South Sandwich Islands. The topography of the Trans-Antarctic Mountains to the Antarctic continent is divided into two parts. East Antarctica, the larger, as an ancient shield and associate Plain, the Trans-Antarctic Mountains stretching from the edge of the shield; West Antarctica smaller size of a folded belt, the mountains, plateaus and basins. Two things are part of a settlement between the Strip, from the Ross Sea has been extended to the SEA. Antarctica mainland average altitude of 350 meters is the highest on earth Chau. Byrd Land highest point (to Malibade) Vinson Massif 5 140 meters above sea level. Almost all of the mainland was covered by snow, ice thickness is 1 880 meters and 4000 meters thick. Ocean around the continent there are many tall ice barrier and the tip. All at only 2% of the land without perennial ice cover, known as the Antarctic ice sheets "Oasis" is the main plant and animal habitat land. "Oasis" is the peak, cliffs, lakes and volcanoes. Ross Ailibaishi volcanic island is a well-known active volcanoes. Climate : The climate of Antarctica is characterized by the cold wind and dry. Island-wide average temperature of -25 ° C, inland plateau average temperature of -56 ℃, extreme minimum temperature of -89.2 ° C was reached, the world's most cold land. Island-wide average speed of 17? 8 m / s wind speed along the ground often as 45 m / sec, maximum wind speed up to 75 m / s and above, the wind is the world's largest and strongest wind areas. Most regional rainfall is less than 250 mm, only mainland marginal areas up to about 500 mm. Island-wide average annual rainfall of 55 millimeters of precipitation within the mainland, only about 30 mm, pole near almost no precipitation, the air is very dry, the "white desert" for all. Seasonal and diurnal : Antarctic winter every year, warm two quarters, four? 0 months of the cold season, 11 woo text? Month is warm. In the quarter pole near continuous cold night, this time near the Antarctic Circle often appear dazzling aurora; Warm the contrary, To consecutive day, the sun always tilt irradiation. Pole and the South Pole of Inaccessibility : South Geomagnetic Pole that the Antarctic 1985 South Pole position is about 24 ° N 139 ', south latitude 65 ° 36'. "Pole of Inaccessibility," is about to south latitude 82 ° and 55 ° N-60 ° to the center of the Heights, the high and steep terrain. Glacier became an outflow of Oita ice line, it is hard to approach or reach areas. 【Natural resources -- minerals in Antarctica contains more than 220 mineral species. Mainly coal, oil, natural gas, platinum, uranium, iron, manganese, copper, nickel, cobalt, chromium, lead, tin, zinc, gold, copper, aluminum, Antimony, graphite, silver, diamonds, and so on. Mainly in East Antarctica, the Antarctic Peninsula and coastal islands. Victoria Land as a large coalfield area, south of gold, silver and graphite mine, the entire western continental shelf oil and natural gas is very rich, Prince Charles discovered enormous iron ore belt, George V Marine reserves are tin, lead, antimony, molybdenum, zinc, copper, the Antarctic Peninsula is a central part of manganese and copper, the coastal Ashipulan Island nickel, cobalt, chromium ore, Sangweiai Ailibaishi volcanic islands and a sulfur storage. Biological : Antarctica plants scarce, only mosses, algae, lichens and several flowering plants. Seawater or marginal land animals common seals, sea lions and dolphins, birds are penguins, albatrosses, gulls, petrels; China abounds in marine cetacean, a blue whale, herring and humpback whales, such as whales, is the world's largest production whale areas. Antarctic seas around krill also abounds, with an estimated annual output of about a catch? .5 Million tons of aquatic products for human needs. Water resources : Antarctica is a tremendous natural "refrigerator", is the world's fresh water to the storage.
名称 南极洲.是人类最后到达的大陆,也叫“第七大陆.”
面积:总面积约1 400万平方千米,约占世界陆地总面积的9.4%.
范围:由围绕南极的大陆、陆缘冰和岛屿组成,其中大陆面积1 239.3万平方千米,陆缘冰面积158.2万平方千米,岛屿面积7.6万平方千米.
地理分区:南极洲分东南极洲和西南极洲两部分.东南极洲从西经30°向东延伸到东经170°,包括科茨地、毛德皇后地、恩德比地、威尔克斯地、乔治五世海岸、维多利亚地、南极高原和极点.面积1 018万平方千米.西南极洲位于西经50°-160°之间,包括南极半岛、亚历山大岛、埃尔斯沃思地以及伯德地(玛丽.伯德地)等,面积229万平方千米.
国际活动 1959年12月,由12个国家签订了《南极条约》.其主要内容是:南极洲仅用于和平目的,保证在南极地区进行科学考察的自由,促进科学考察中的国际合作,禁止在南极地区进行一切具有军事性质的活动及核爆炸和处理放射废物,冻结对南极的领土要求等.目前,世界上许多国家都加入了《南极条约》.
海岸线 南极洲大陆海岸线长约24 700千米.
边缘海与岛屿 南极洲边缘海有属于南太平洋的别林斯高晋海、罗斯海、阿蒙森海和属于南大西洋的威德尔海等.主要岛屿有奥克兰群岛、布韦岛、南设得兰群岛、南奥克尼群岛、阿德莱德岛、亚历山大岛、彼得一世岛、南乔治亚岛、爱德华王子群岛、南桑威奇群岛. 地形 横贯南极的山脉将南极大陆分为两部分.东南极洲,面积较大,为一古老的地盾和准平原,横贯南极山脉绵延于地盾的边缘;西南极洲面积较小,为一褶皱带,由山地、高原和盆地组成.东西两部分之间有一沉陷地带,从罗斯海一直延伸到威德尔海.南极洲大陆平均海拔2 350米,是地球上最高的洲.最高点伯德地(玛丽·伯德地)的文森山海拔5 140米.大陆几乎全部被冰雪所覆盖,冰层平均厚度有1 880米,最厚达4 000米以上.大陆周围的海洋上有许多高大的冰障和冰山.全洲仅2%的土地无长年冰雪覆盖,被称为南极冰原的“绿洲”,是动植物主要生息之地.“绿洲”上有高峰、悬崖、湖泊和火山.罗斯岛上的埃里伯斯火山是著名的活火山.
南磁极与难达之极:南磁极即地磁的南极,1985年南磁极的位置约为东经139° 24′,南纬65°36′.“难达之极”是约以南纬82°和东经55°- 60°为中心的高地,由于地势高峻,成为大陆冰川外流的一大分冰线,是难于接近或到达的地区.

矿物 南极洲蕴藏的矿物有220余种.主要有煤、石油、天然气、铂、铀、铁、锰、铜、镍、钴、铬、铅、锡、锌、金、铜、铝、锑、石墨、银、金刚石等.主要分布在东南极洲、南极半岛和沿海岛屿地区.如维多利亚地有大面积煤田,南部有金、银和石墨矿,整个西部大陆架的石油、天然气均很丰富,查尔斯王子山发现巨大铁矿带,乔治五世海岸蕴藏有锡、铅、锑、钼、锌、铜等,南极半岛中央部分有锰和铜矿,沿海的阿斯普兰岛有镍、钴、铬等矿,桑威奇岛和埃里伯斯火山储有硫磺.