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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 21:58:50
春节到了,我家里来了很多亲戚朋友,妈妈准备了一大桌丰盛的菜肴,大家有说有笑.爸爸给每位客人倒好了红酒,我也喝了点.妈妈端上一盘热气腾腾的饺子,我垂涎三尺,立马加了一个往嘴里送,叔叔问:“好吃吗?是什么陷儿的?” 你猜怎么着,我中了个头彩,咬到了夹在饺子里的硬币,成为新年家里的第一个幸运儿!
In the Spring Festival,our family invited many relatives and friends to our house.My Mom prepared a table of delicious meals,everyone was happily chating and laughing.My father served eveyone a cup of wine,even for me.When a plate of Jiaozi was presented by my mother,my mouth was watering.I couldn't help picking up one to my mouth,and what happended next can you guess?It was the one filled with a coin which means bringing lucky.What a luck guy I am!