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英语翻译我想翻译这句话:恶毒的巫婆被绑在柱子上烧成了灰烬,从此王子和公主过上了幸福的生活.我是这样翻译的:As a pu

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 20:56:29
我是这样翻译的:As a punishment,the wicked witch is tied to the stake and burned to ashes.But the prince and princess lives happily ever after...
我想知道我两个句子的衔接对了没有,应该用and 还是but.还有我这样翻译有没有别的什么错误~
very good.just three points:change the tense to past; change the stake to a stake,burned to ashes to burned into ashes.change But to Hence.
hope it helps.