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几个高考英语题谢谢!1.( )you know your potential ,you have to rely on

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 09:35:12
1.( )you know your potential ,you have to rely on many other people to get where you are
A.while B.when为什么要选A呢?
2.—did you to the party last night?
__yes,and i'd rather (not have gone)
我记得是would rather后是原型,而要用虚拟时要加sb,是不是我记得错的?
3.our former director,who( worked )in our factory for over 30years,now lives in his homentown.
4.请帮忙辨析raise rise arise,详细一些,谢谢
5.not far from the club,there was a garden,its owner seated in it playing with children every day.
这难道不是两个单句用逗号相连吗?there was也是个完整句子么?
1. when 表示的是时间点,当.的那一刻.而while表示的是时间段,当. 的期间,在平时的用法中,也带有一些转折的效果.比如,while you have achieved good result this time, you still have to work hard. 尽管这次你得了好成绩,你还是要继续努力.平时的对话中经常有这样的while 的用法的.
2. 因为是发生在过去的事情,当在过去时里用虚拟语态时,用would have done, 其实从字面就可以理解的,也许已经做了., 所以要把will 变成would, 还有加一个完成时态.
3 因为这句话的意思是,我们“之前的”主管. 现在., 已经告诉了你,他已经不再这里工作了,所以不能用 who has been working, 只能用过去时
4 raise: 举起..., 升起. 例子: raise the bottle, 举起瓶子.
rise: ...升起.the flag rises. 旗子升起了
arise: 出现;引发.the problem arising from his misunderstanding destroyed his future. 从他的误会中引发出来的问题毁了他的未来.
5 对,但实际上在there was a garden 后面应该用句号语法上更正确一些.当然,这样写也说得过去,但感觉上怪怪的,呵呵.