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it is noted

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 00:08:01
it is noted
必须注意到,电流是与每次电阻减少成比例地增加的.In the article he noted that their economy is still on its downward slide.
他在文章中指出他们的经济仍在走下坡路.Dufy:French painter noted for his brightly colored scenes of racing and the seaside and for the panel La Fée électricité (1937).
"杜飞:法国画家,他以画色彩明亮的比赛场面和海边景色著称,其著名作品有板面油画《神奇的电》(1937年)." The chapel of Henry VII (begun c.1503) is noted for its exquisite fan vaulting.
亨利七世小教堂(约1503年始建)采用垂直哥德式,以其扇形拱顶著称.The Court noted that an EIS was plainly required both for the local issuance of a lease and for -the adoption of a national coal-leasing program