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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 14:11:14
题目:should adveritising targeted at chidren be banned
We should ban TVads aimed at children
I believe we should ban TVadvertisements aimed at children.I have a few reasons that support my opinion.Firstly,a child has a vulnerable mind.It takes in all sorts of impressions,attempting to understand how the world works.As children grow older and becomeadults,they have a more stable understanding of the world,although they maystill be influenced.Advertisements have the sole purpose of manipulating theseer to their goals.They catch the seer's attention,and in most cases theseer will momentarily forget about the commercial.But then the advertisedproduct will seem more familiar when they encounter it in a store.Please,leave the children's minds alone.They do not even have money to spend; theywill have to persuade their parents.Let the children think for themselves;don't throw all kinds of materialistic pleasures in their faces.Materialisticproducts will only briefly satisfy them.We should not let them grow up withthe delusion that they will gain fulfillment from objects.Although childrengrow up faster in the world as it is now and many face grownup challenges,Ibelieve advertisements aimed at children are sending the wrong message.It'snot wrong to own nice clothing,video games and technological toys.It's notwrong to want these things and other stuff to entertain ourselves and make lifeeasier.Aiming advertisements at children takes away from their childhood,inmy estimation.Children should be allowed to be children because it doesn'tlast forever.And they are grown!Also,competition is a good thing in sportsand such.When it comes to clothing and school,there are those whose parentscan't afford expensive clothes and shoes.Peer pressure exists everywhere.Moreover,the ads aimed at children encourage drug and alcohol use by making it seem fun andcool.Just like how coca cola commercials advertise for a drink that isrefreshing.They even play the ads on commercial breaks during shows thatteenagers watch.What they obviously dont show in these commercials is how badalcohol is for children and teenagers.Long term consumption can lead to braindamage,ive heard of a lot of underage drinkers binge drinking.This all stemsfrom advertisements encouraging children my age to drink up.In addition,the adsaimed at children should be banned also because they encourage children to eatunhealthily and therefore when this advertising works they become obese.Thiswould not happen if advertising was banned.Children would be free oftemptation of fatty food and could continue watching television without therisk.Especially since parents will buy what their children will eat and whenthere is consistent nagging fast food will be purchased.