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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 17:02:03
汉语:有一次,他跟小伙伴们在后院里玩耍.院子里有一口大水缸,有个小孩爬到缸沿上玩,一不小心,掉到缸里.缸大水深,眼看那孩子快要没顶了.别的孩子们一见出了事,吓得边哭边喊,跑到外面向大人求救.司马光却急中生智,从地上捡起一块大石头,使劲向水缸砸去,“砰!”水缸破了,缸里的水流了出来,被淹在水里的小孩也得救了.英语:On one occasion,he told a small partners in the backyard playing.In the yard there is a large tank,there's kids climb on the tank to play along,accidentally fell into tank.Cylinder large depth,seeing that the child had drowned about.Other children who see a fiasco,frightened weeping,crying,ran outside for help for the adults.Sima Guang was Jizhongshengzhi,picked up a large stone from the floor,straining to go to the tank hit,"Bang!" Tank burst,the tank's water out of the children had drowned in the water saved.