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英语短文排序一篇被打乱顺序的英语短文,求排序A.The study of the text itself is prim

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 08:35:35
A.The study of the text itself is primary.
B.A reader must be careful,however,in drawing inferences about authors from their writings.
C.Readers must concern themselves with the experience,ideas,and attitudes the authors communicate,and the form in which they communicate them.
D.One may study a writer’s work for the information it gives about the character of the writer or about his/her world view.
E.Because a literary work is a product of an age,a knowledge of the political and economic conditions,as well as of the philosophical and religious ideas of that age is useful.
F.A work of literature may be studied in relation to its author,to the culture from which it springs,and to the text itself.
G.The attitudes and values of the hero of a novel do not necessarily reflect those of the author.
H.But,however helpful and interesting,concern for the author or his/her background is essentially secondary.
I.If one is to get at the heart of a novel,a play,or a poem,one must focus on its content and structure.
J.A knowledge of Dante’s theological views,for example,helps readers to better understand the Divine Comedy.
F.A work of literature may be studied in relation to its author,to the culture from which it springs,and to the text itself.一部文学作品可以从作者、写作背景以及文本本身几个方面来研究.
A.The study of the text itself is primary.对文本本身的研究是最基本的.
I.If one is to get at the heart of a novel,a play,or a poem,one must focus on its content and structure.如果你想要弄懂一部小说、喜剧或诗歌的中心思想,你就必须关注它的内容和结构(即文本本身).
H.But,however helpful and interesting,concern for the author or his/her background is essentially secondary.然而,有趣的是,关注作者的生活背景是有助于你的研究的第二个重点.
E.Because a literary work is a product of an age,a knowledge of the political and economic conditions,as well as of the philosophical and religious ideas of that age is useful.因为一部文学作品是一个时代的产物,往往反映了那个时代的政治经济条件及哲学、宗教思想.
J.A knowledge of Dante’s theological views,for example,helps readers to better understand the Divine Comedy.例如,知道但丁的神学观点,能有助于读者更好的理解《神曲》.
D.One may study a writer’s work for the information it gives about the character of the writer or about his/her world view.我们研究一部文学作品可能是为了获知作者的性格或世界观.
B.A reader must be careful,however,in drawing inferences about authors from their writings.
G.The attitudes and values of the hero of a novel do not necessarily reflect those of the author.小说中主人公的人生态度和价值观念不一定就是作者的态度和价值观.
C.Readers must concern themselves with the experience,ideas,and attitudes the authors communicate,and the form in which they communicate them.读者除了要关心作者所传达的经验、观点和态度外,还要关心他们表达的方式.