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英语翻译Pallet View Overview The View Pallet Offsets Viewer is u

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/03 06:21:39
Pallet View
The View Pallet Offsets Viewer is used to manage pallets.From this viewer
you can perform the following operations:

Add pallets.
Locate pallets,select pallets to run,reorder pallet sequence.
Edit pallet locations.
Delete a pallet.
Make a pallet active.
Set pallet automatic sequence.
NOTE:Labels and screen displays which follow are "examples" and may
vary from machine to machine.
Pallet Viewer
To select the Pallet Viewer proceed as follows:
Touch,press or set
the following
The icon graphic is determined
by machine configuration; verti-
cal or horizontal.The icon pre-
sented here is for a horizontal
machining center configura-
The Pallet Viewer is activated.
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How Can I Limit Views
To select Offset Types proceed as follows:
Touch,press or set
the following
Remember the offset hierarchy.
If pallets are present,their off-
sets first effect all setups and
fixture offsets.If pallet offsets
are 0,no effect on the other
offsets takes place.
If you elect to use setups,define
their offsets before fixture off-
sets since setups effect all fix-
ture offsets.
Following these basic rules will
eliminate offset inaccuracies.
About Pallet Icons
Each pallet is identified by a hexagonal icon.The graphic presentation and
numbers associated with each icon will vary based on the process defined.
The top number is the pallet identification number
The center number identifies the pallet location
The bottom number is the order of pallet execution
Icons are color coded to identify operational states.These states are as
Page = Pallet is not physically present.
Gray Pallet = Pallet is not ready.
Black Check = Pallet execution was completed.
Blue Clock = Pallet is ready for execution.
Green Arrow = The pallet is currently being executed.
Red Symbol = Indicates pallet operation was aborted.
Yellow Box = Indicates pallet operation was suspended.
The yellow ring around pallet #111 indicates it is selected.This means any
action you take will be applied to pallet #111.To select the other pallet,
simply touch the display icon or Setup List.Also,when a pallet is selected,
the Offset Coordinate area will update with the selected pallet information.
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The Green circle around pallet #111 indicates it is the active pallet.
key,then touch a Pallet List icon.
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托盘观点概观托盘冲抵Viewer是用来管理托盘.从#24 ,你可以从事下列业务:放入托盘.寻找托盘,托盘专责经营,订货托盘序列.编辑托盘上的位置.删除一个托盘.使托盘活跃.设定托盘自动序列.注:标签和屏幕所采用的"实例" ,可能来自不同的机器.托盘Viewer来选择托盘观众进行如下:触摸,新闻界或设定以下评论图标图形,是由机器配置; 眩晕-华航或横向的.图标前暧这里是一个卧式加工中心的构造型式.托盘观众已经启动.辛辛那提机床91204265 -- 001页2 -- 113菜单如何限定意见责抵消类型进行如下:触摸,新闻界或设定以下评论记得抵消等级.托盘,如果是现在,他们场外首套起所有设置和夹具的冲销.如果托盘冲抵都是0 ,不影响其他冲抵发生的.如果你选择使用设置,界定其冲抵前夹具休套自设置影响到所有固定不错的冲销.遵循这些基本规则,将抵消消除偏差.关于托盘图标每个托盘是确定了六角图标.图形套和数目与每一个图标会根据所确定的进程.顶部号码是托盘识别号码的中心号码识别托盘位置下方数是 命令执行托盘# 222 @ 2次图标彩色编码识别运行状况.这些国家如下:页=托盘不是亲自在场.灰色托盘=托盘是没有准备好.黑色检查=托盘执行完成.蓝色时钟=托盘准备处决.绿色箭头=托盘正在执行枪决.红色象征=显示托盘行动胎死腹中.黄色方格=显示托盘行动暂停.黄河环城托盘# 111 ,说明它是选定.这意味着任何行动,你会采取措施将适用于托盘# 111 .选择其他托盘,根本触摸显示器图标或设定清单.此外,当一个托盘选定,抵消协调区将更新与选定的托盘信息.Page 2--114 Cincinnati Machine 91204265--001 Menu The Green circle around pallet #111 indicates it is the active pallet.注:youcanactivatehelpinformationbypressinga ndholdingthectrl 钥匙,然后触摸托盘图标列表.# # 111 222辛辛那提机床91204265 -- 001