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英语翻译Jane Eyre,who had been an ardent,expectant woman- almost

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 09:17:08
Jane Eyre,who had been an ardent,expectant woman- almost a bride,
was a cold,solitary girl again:her life was pale; her prospects were
desolate.A Christmas frost had come at midsummer; a white December
storm had whirled over June; ice glazed the ripe apples,drifts
crushed the blowing roses; on hayfield and cornfield lay a frozen
shroud:lanes which last night blushed full of flowers,to-day were
pathless with untrodden snow; and the woods,which twelve hours
since waved leafy and fragrant as groves between the tropics,now
spread,waste,wild,and white as pine-forests in wintry Norway.My
hopes were all dead- struck with a subtle doom,such as,in one night,
fell on all the first-born in the land of Egypt.I looked on my
cherished wishes,yesterday so blooming and glowing; they lay stark,
chill,livid corpses that could never revive.I looked at my love:
that feeling which was my master's- which he had created; it
shivered in my heart,like a suffering child in a cold cradle;
sickness and anguish had seized it; it could not seek Mr.
Rochester's arms- it could not derive warmth from his breast.Oh,
never more could it turn to him; for faith was blighted- confidence
destroyed!Mr.Rochester was not to me what he had been; for he was
not what I had thought him.I would not ascribe vice to him; I would
not say he had betrayed me; but the attribute of stainless truth was
gone from his idea,and from his presence I must go:that I
perceived well.When- how- whither,I could not yet discern; but he
himself,I doubted not,would hurry me from Thornfield.Real
affection,it seemed,he could not have for me; it had been only
fitful passion:that was balked; he would want me no more.I should
fear even to cross his path now:my view must be hateful to him.Oh,
how blind had been my eyes!How weak my conduct!
珍巡回,已经是热心的,预期的女人- 几乎一位新娘,
荒凉的.圣诞节霜已经在仲夏来; 白色的十二月
寿衣:昨晚脸红充满的花小路,到- 日子是
无路的由于杳无人迹的雪; 和森林,十二个小时
扩延的,废弃的,野性的,和白色的如如冬的挪威松树- 森林.我的
希望全部死- 以敏感的命运打,如此的当做,在一里面夜晚,
那我的主人感觉- 哪他已经产生; 它
在我的心 ,像感冒摇篮的一个苦楚孩子中打颤;
罗彻斯特的双臂- 它不可以得自来自他的胸部温暖.哦,
从不多它可以求助于他吗;因为信心被枯萎病- 信心
破坏!罗彻斯特先生不是对我什么他有是; 因为他是
不是我所已经想他的.我不对他归于恶习; 我会
感觉起来好的.当- 如何- 到那,我可以仍然不辨别; 除了他之外
他自己,我不,会从 Thornfield 催促我.真正的