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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 18:16:01
时间:晚饭 (Dinner Time) 地点:肯德基餐厅(KFC Restrautant) 人物:顾客2人 (Customers Peter and Max) 服务员1人(Sherry) 经理 (Manager) 故事情节 (Plot):Peter 来点餐,经理教导Sherry说:记得要说欢迎光临肯德基.Max来点餐,经理又说:记得问客人要不要薯条配餐.然后来了一个来打劫的蒙面大盗,说把钱拿出来.Sherry看了看经理,然后说:欢迎您光临肯德基,请问您要薯条配餐吗?在这吃还是带走?Peter:“Hello.May I please have a chicken burger with large fries to go?Sherry:" Sure.Would you like the burger spicy or grilled?"Peter:" Grilled please."Sherry:" Ok.Total comes $15.89 please." (Peter paid)Sherry:"Thank you.Have a nice day."Manager:" Good job,Sherry.But you have to remember to greet the customers as ' Welcome to KFC,how can I help you today'".Max:" Hi there."Sherry:" Hello.Welcome to KFC.How can I help you today,sir."Max:" May I have an order of hot wings and a bottle of water please?"Sherry:" All right,and would you like to stay or to go today?"Max:" I think I'm eating here today,thanks."Sherry:" Great.$23.56,please."(Max paid)Sherry:" Enjoy your meal.Have a wonderful day."Manager:" Well done,Sherry.Just remember to ask the customers if they want some fries to go with the meal,you've being doing better.” (Max comes back with a gun,and a skiing mask on his face)Sherry:" Good morning.Welcome to KFC.I'd like to help you today,what would you like?"Max:" Hurry,give me all your money!"Sherry:" Ok.But would you like some fries to go with it?Stay or to go?".