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英语翻译It is not strange that it should be so; rather it is ast

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 09:50:19
It is not strange that it should be so; rather it is astonishing that she can make us feel what she had it in her to say at all.It surges up in the half-articulate words of Catherine Earnshaw,“If all else perished and HE remained,I should still continue to be; and if all else remained and he were annihilated,the universe would turn to a mighty stranger; I should not seem part of it”.It breaks out again in the presence of the dead.“I see a repose that neither earth nor hell can break,and I feel an assurance of the endless and shadowless hereafter—the eternity they have entered—where life is boundless in its duration,and love in its sympathy and joy in its fulness.” It is this suggestion of power underlying the apparitions of human nature and lifting them up into the presence of greatness that gives the book its huge stature among other novels.But it was not enough for Emily Brontë to write a few lyrics,to utter a cry,to express a creed.In her poems she did this once and for all,and her poems will perhaps outlast her novel.But she was novelist as well as poet.She must take upon herself a more laborious and a more ungrateful task.She must face the fact of other existences,grapple with the mechanism of external things,build up,in recognisable shape,farms and houses and report the speeches of men and women who existed independently of herself.And so we reach these summits of emotion not by rant or rhapsody but by hearing a girl sing old songs to herself as she rocks in the branches of a tree; by watching the moor sheep crop the turf; by listening to the soft wind breathing through the grass.The life at the farm with all its absurdities and its improbability is laid open to us.We are given every opportunity of comparing Wuthering Heights with a real farm and Heathcliff with a real man.How,we are allowed to ask,can there be truth or insight or the finer shades of emotion in men and women who so little resemble what we have seen ourselves?But even as we ask it we see in Heathcliff the brother that a sister of genius might have seen; he is impossible we say,but nevertheless no boy in literature has a more vivid existence than his.So it is with the two Catherines; never could women feel as they do or act in their manner,we say.All the same,they are the most lovable women in English fiction.It is as if she could tear up all that we know human beings by,and fill these unrecognisable transparences with such a gust of life that they transcend reality.Hers,then,is the rarest of all powers.She could free life from its dependence on facts; with a few touches indicate the spirit of a face so that it needs no body; by speaking of the moor make the wind blow and the thunder roar.
算拉 省得都来给我机译。
这是不奇怪的是,它应该这样做,而是令人惊讶的是,她可以使我们觉得不知道她在她的发言权.它潮在半年阐明的话凯瑟琳earnshaw ,"如果一切灭亡了,他依然存在,我应该还是继续被;如果一切依然存在,而且他被歼灭,宇宙将转向浩浩荡荡的陌生人,我应似乎不是它的一部分" .它的爆发再次当着死者."我看到一个repose ,无论是地球上的地狱,也可以打破,而且我觉得还保证了无休止和shadowless来世-永恒的,他们进入了哪里生活是没有止境的,在其时间之长,与爱的同情和喜悦,其f ulness."这是这项建议的权力背后的幻影人的本性和起重起来在场的伟大,让这本书,其庞大的身材之间的其他小说.但这是不足够的刘慧卿勃朗特写几句歌词,说不出哭的,以表达一个信条.在她的诗中,她这样做一劳永逸,和她的诗也许会终年她的小说.但她是小说家以及诗人.她必须考虑后,她更辛苦和更忘恩负义的任务.她必须面对的事实,对其他存在的,处理的机制,外部的东西,建立,在辨认形状,农田和民房和报告的发言男人和女人谁存在独立于自己.所以,我们达成这些首脑会议的情绪不是由rant或狂想曲,而是由听一个女孩唱旧歌曲,以现身说法,她的岩石,在党支部的一棵树;透过观看泊绵羊作物的草坪;听软风透过呼吸草.生活在农场与所有其荒谬及其improbability是奠定开放给我们.我们给予每一个机会比较呼啸山庄一个真正的农场和heathcliff一个真正的人.如何,我们可以问,才可能有真理或见解或更精细的色调的情感,在男人和女人的人这么少,类似于我们所看到的自己?但是,即使是我们要求它,我们看到heathcliff弟弟说,姐姐的天才,有可能看到他是不可能的,我们说,但无论如何,没有男孩的文学有更生动的存在比他的.所以这是两个.Catherines ;决不可妇女觉得,他们这样做,或作出自己的方式,我们说的.全部一样,他们是最可爱的女性,在英语小说.这是因为,如果她能撕毁所有我们知道人,并填写这些unrecognisable transparences这样的一个阵风生活中,他们超越了现实.她的话,那么,是罕有的一切权力.她可以免费从生活中,其依赖的事实;与数触及表明精神,一面对这么说,它需要没有任何机构;谈到了泊岸,使风力冲击和雷声轰鸣.