作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 01:50:33
一网打尽:catch the whole lot in an action
一往情深:be passionately devoted
一往无前:press forward with indomitable will
一望无垠:stretch to the horizon
一无是处:neither rhyme nor reason
一无所长:have no special skill
一无所知:utterly ignorant
一五一十:in full detail
一物降一物:everything has its vanquisher
一厢情愿:one's own wishful thinking
一日千里:at a tremendous pace
一窍不通:know nothing about;utterly ignorant of
一清二楚:as plain as daylight;as plain as the nose in your face
一丘之貉:be tarred with the same brush;birds of a feather;jackals from the same lair
一瘸一拐:dot and go one
一忍再忍:bear and forbear
一如既往:as always;run true to form
一刀两断:make a thorough break
一见如故:feel like old friends at the first meeting
一鸣惊人:amaze the people with a single brilliant feat;make a great coup
一面之词:the statement of only one of the parties
一手遮天:hide the truth from the masses
一败涂地:bite the ground;hunt grass;suffering a crushing defeat
一扫而光:clear off;finish off
一身是胆:know no fear
一失足成千古恨:a single slip may cause lasting sorrow.
虎视眈眈:eye covetously
狼狈为奸:act in collusion with each other
狼狈不堪:like a drowned mouse
千钧一发:an imminent peril;close call;hang by a hair;hang by a thread
千差万别:differ in thousands ways
谢天谢地:thank heaven; thank one’s lucky star
心不在焉:absence of mind; woolgather; abstraction; in the clouds