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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 11:09:10
Ability to cross-cultural communication concept contain "attitude" of communication, is mainly refers to the concept of different targets in self, values and behavior view and performance. To achieve the purpose of communication, the communicator need of social culture of communication object held curiosity and an open mind, and consciously to find other cultural characteristics, and active through and communicative objects to contact and to deepen their understanding social.
2. We ought to have a positive attitude of western culture, the Chinese and western cultural differences will make us in the course of the exchange produce some contradiction, for instance in the understanding of dog, with dogs have a totally different person both explains the understanding. At this time, we should stand in the perspective of the other side to mutual understanding, with a curiosity and an open mind to learn from each other, and thus make both parties in cross-cultural communication can be smoothly communicated
3. "properly introduce some other countries, particularly in western cultural knowledge, such as historical origin, government organizations, mainstream ideology, the concept of value, and social customs, etc; can better understanding of shrewd, Middle East europeans rigorous, American open; can even introducing some ethnic cultural knowledge, such as the history of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism and with other ideas for Chinese traditional ideas of values and outlook on life, way of thinking and language behavior and communication style the impact, and that this kind of influence in cross-cultural communication type of business negotiations, the performance of their own culture deepens. Both can improve understanding about the nation's cultural quality, and helps to better understanding other cultures. In fact, in cross-cultural communication, cultural background knowledge is the most fundamental, it decided to other things, only understanding cultural background and knowledge, Chinese and western to successfully exchanges
英语翻译1.跨文化交际能力概念中所包含的“态度”,主要是指对交际对象不同于自我的观念、价值观与行为的看法和表现.为达到互 英语翻译通过对跨文化交际学这门课的学习,让我更好的学习了世界观、价值观、言语行为的文化特征及非语言交际方面的知识.与此同 英语翻译文化是跨文化交际的根基,中美文化差异表现主要表现在语言沟通和非语言沟通等方面.由于中美两国文化差异对商务谈判的各 英语翻译跨文化交际的重要性   跨文化交际涉及交际和文化两个概念.跨文化交际即‘不同文化背景的人们(信息发出者和信息接受 跨文化交际中英语口语能力的培养 英语翻译性格是人在对现实的态度和行为方式所表现出来的稳定的心理特征,它表现一个人的品德,受人的世界观、人生观、价值观的影 英语翻译学习外语的最终目的是跨文化交际,然而长期以来,英语教学以测试听、说、读、写、译等各项能力为主要目标,对于语言所包 英语翻译了解中西方文化差异对于提高跨文化交际能力有着极其重要的意义,它能帮助我们正确理解西方人的言行 ,在交际过程中,充 文明礼仪是什么?对一个人来说,礼仪是一个人的思想道德水平、文化修养、交际能力的外在表现,对一个社会来说,礼仪是一个国家社 用英语解释跨文化交际能力的含义 英语翻译我们将不同文化的人们一起交往的过程称为跨文化交际 ,跨文化交际大致可分为语言交际和非语言交际 ,非语言交际是跨文 英语翻译跨文化交际与外语教学密不可分.这是因为外语教学不仅是传授语言知识,更重要的是要培养学生的交际 能力,培养他们应用