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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 14:30:53
非谓语动词基础练习题1. Helen had to shout ________ above the sound of the music.A. making herself hear B. to make herself hearC. making herself heard D. to make herself heard2. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures ________ in your mind instead of before your eyes.A. to form B. form C. forming D. having formed3. The man insisted ________ a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.A. find B. to find C. on finding D. in finding4. The old man, ________ abroad for twenty years, is on the way back to his motherland. A. to work B. working C. to have worked D. having worked5. You were silly not ________ your car. A. to lock B. to have locked C. locking D. having locked6. Don’t leave the water ________ while you brush your teeth. A. run B. running C. being run D. to run7. When flint ________ to the market, these products enjoyed great success. A. introducing B. introduced C. introduce D. being introduced8. “We can’t go out in this weather,” said Bob, ________ out of the window.A. looking B. to look C. looked D. having looked9. My advisor encouraged ________ a summer course to improve my writing skills. A. for me taking B. me taking C. for me to take D. me to take 10. ________ in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.A. To wait B. Have waited C. Having waited D. To have waited 11. Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, ________ as 3M.A. knowing B. known C. being known D. to be known12. Sarah, hurry up. I’m afraid you can’t have time to ________ before the party. A. get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to change13. ________ by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to stay another two days off the farm. A. Attracting B. Attracted C. To be attracted D. Having attracted14. I don’t know whether you happen ________ , but I’m going to study in the U. S. A. this September. A. to be heard B. to be hearing C. to hear D. to have heard15. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only ________ the film stars had left. A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told 16. Having been ill in bed for nearly a month, he had a hard time ________ the exam.A. pass B. to pass C. passed D. passing17. ________ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesn’t seem big at all.A. Compare B. When comparing C. Comparing D. When compared18. ________ the programme, they have to stay there for another two weeks.A. Not completing B. Not completed C. Not having completed D. Having not completed19. If you are planning to spend your money having fun this week, better ________ it—you’ve got some big bills coming. A. forget B. forgot C. forgetting D. to forget20. According to a recent U. S. survey, children spend up to 25 hours a week ________ TV.21. The flu is believed ________ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat. A. cause B. being caused C. to be caused D. to have caused22. The flowers ________ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. A. to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be smelt23. The disc, digitally ________ in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night. A. recorded B. recording C. to be recorded D. having recorded24. Having been attacked by terrorists, ________ . A. doctors came to their rescue B. the tall building collapsedC. an emergency measure was taken D. warnings were given to tourists 25. Robert is said ________ abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in. A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying26. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ________ the next year.A. carried out B. carrying out C. carry out D. to carry out27. I’ve worked with child before, so I know what ________ in my new job. A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expect28. ________ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered29. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains ________ whether they will enjoy it. A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen30. The research is so designed that once ________ nothing can be done to change it.A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun【答案解析】1. D. 因为Hellen要使自己讲的话被别人听到,所以要用过去分词作宾补,即:make herself heard;又因为make herself heard是shout的目的,所以用不定式. 2. C. form表示“出现、产生”,是不及物动词,又因为pictures与form是主动关系,故用现在分词作定语.3. C. 因为insist后要么接that从句,要么接on sth. 或on doing sth. ,没有别的接法,所以选C.insist on doing坚持要做某事(from www.hxen.com).4. D. 因work abroad for twenty years发生在谓语动作(返回祖国)之前,所以用现在分词的完成式.5. B. 因为现在分词作状语只能修饰谓语,而不定式作状语,既可修饰谓语又可修修饰形容词或副词,此处修饰形容词silly,要用不定式.又因为“没有锁车”发生在谓语之前,所以用完成式.6. B. 因句中的the water与run是主动关系,故选B.leave sth doing sth 意为“使某物一直在做某事”.7. B. 因为flint与introduce(引入)是被动关系,所以用过去分词.8. A. looking out of the window 为伴随状语(from www.hxen.com).9. D. 因为在encourage, persuade, tell, ask, want, order, force等后要用不定式作宾补.encourage sb. to do sth. 意为“鼓励某人做某事”.10. C. 因“等了半个小时”发生在realized之前,故用现在分词的完成式.11. B. 因为the…company与know是被动关系,所以用过去分词短语作定语,known as 3M = which was known as 3M.12. A. get changed 意为“换衣服”.比较:get paid(获得报酬),get dressed(穿衣服)等.13. B. 因为句子主语the girl与attract是被动关系,所以用过去分词短语作状语,表示原因.14. D. 因为happen后接动词不定式是表示“碰巧做某事”;又hear发生在谓语don’t know之前,所以要用不定式的完成式.句意是:我不知道你是否已经听说过了,今年九月我要去美国学习(from www.hxen.com).15. B. 因为only是提醒我们要用不定式表示结果的一个重要标志词;不定式表示结果,不定式的动作发生在谓语之后;又因为the news reporters与tell是被动关系,所以要用不定式的被动式.16. D. 因为have a hard time doing sth. 与have difficulty doing sth. 相当,意为“在做某事方面有困难”.17. D. 因为the biggest ocean与compare是被动关系,所以要用过去分词.When compared with…=When the biggest ocean is compared with…=When we compare the biggest ocean with… 18. C. 首先,非谓语动词的否定式要将not, never等放在非谓语动词的前面,所以不能选D.其次,由于“没有完成”与“决定再呆两周”有先后关系,故用现在分词的完成式. 19. A. 因为口语中you had better常被说成you’d better,甚至说成better,本句就属这种情况,其后要接不带to的不定式,即:动词原形.20. C. 此题考查spend...(in) doing sth 句型(from www.hxen.com).21. C. 因为be believed /thought /supposed /said /reported等后要接动词不定式,排除A和B;又因为the flu与cause是被动关系,所以要用不定式的被动式.The flu is believed to be caused by...=It is believed /People believe that the flu is caused by...22. B. 一是因为“发出香味”与“吸引游客”是同时发生的,且smell 作为连系动词没有被动形式,所以答案选B.23. A. 因为the disc(唱片)与record(录制)是被动关系,这又是已经发生了的事,所以要用过去分词短语作定语(from www.hxen.com).24. B. 非谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语必须与句子主语一致.根据句意,受到攻击的应是“高楼”,而不是其他,故选B.25. A.此题考查不定式的完成时.“据说他曾到国外留过学”,由studied可知“留学”这个动作已结束并发生在谓语动作is said之前,所以要用完成式.26. A.此句考查过去分词作宾语补足语.句子结构较复杂,句中的that引导一个定语从句,它替代先行词the plan在从句中作see的宾语,the plan与carry out是被动关系,因此,用过去分词作宾补.即see the plan carried out the next year. 27. B.此题考查疑问词+不定式在句中作宾语.I know what to expect in my new job. 意为“我知道在新工作中期待什么”.28. A.本句考查现在分词的完成时作状语.句意为“遭受如此严重的污染之后,现在净化这条河也许为时已晚了”.有already暗示可知suffer发生在clean up之前,因此要用现在分词的完成式作状语.29. B.remain 作“尚待”解,要接不定式作表语,it是形式主语,指代whether they will enjoy it.see与it之间是动宾关系,因此用不定式的被动式.it remains to be seen是习惯用语,意为“还要看情况发展”.30. D.“连词+分词”作状语时,其逻辑主语为句子的主语.句子主语与分词的之间是主动关系时用现在分词,被动关系用过去分词.the research与begin是被动关系,因此用过去分词begun.