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求新概念英语三 每篇课文中 经典语句

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/20 03:58:42
求新概念英语三 每篇课文中 经典语句
我想要新概念三 每篇课文的 经典语句和对话
以及这些语句的相关变化 能运用到 四级写作中
However,as the evidence began to accumulate,experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate,for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.(Lesson1)
模仿这一句话的结构,我们可以在“Global Shortage of Energy Resources”中运用这样一句话:
However,as the world’s population is growing rapidly,we are facing the danger of running out of energy resources,for the mass waste of energy by human beings is increasing at the same time.
我加你好友了 我会和你交流的
这个问题其实我也很想问,我想很多人也和你和我一样,其实真的如你要求的“要每篇的经典语句和对话以及这些相关变化 能运用到四级写作中···” 就是基于这一点可以出本关于新概念英语写作实际运用的书了.我正在学习新概念三册,明天进行第8课学习.若你不急的话,我愿与你一起整理这些文摘经典语句,我邮箱是(nicholas.zone@163.com)前7课我已经熟读于心.整理给你吧,说实话我觉得几乎每句都可以作为典型的句子结构来分析运用,所以对于新概念一直流传说法,要熟读熟背于心
我按照给我映像的深浅整理)Lesson 7---NO.1the bank of england has a team called mutilated ladies which deals with claims from people who fed up their money``````
运用:(···deal with claims from people who````)
如果有篇北京志愿者的或者是关于组织文章 即可“the volunteers deal with claims from people who need for help.
No.2 imagine their display when they find ````(很多句子文章,日常生活可以用到这句) 比如imagine his display when he find he has not been admitted to the ````university
No.3 so long as there's something to identify,we will
运用(so long as there is something to``) 只要有什么可··· 日常生活和写作业可经常用到.比如,as long as thers's some work to do,i will chose to do it when i just gratuate from school.
lesson6---NO.1 but he was too busy helping himself to diamond to notice any pain``` 运用 如:只要遇到文章中要用到too busy```to``` 来表达自己忙于什么时猴,就要想到可以和helo oneself to do sth混用来加强表达效果 比如;i was too busy helping myself to games to notice the mom called me having dinnner
No.2有几个起连接作用的长语句,如while this was going on```` just as it was leaving```` 可以经常在文章写作和日常生活中用了
No.3the silence was suddenly broken when a large car,with its head light on and its horn blaring,roared domn the arcade,
运用 the silence(作文中的很多地方可以用到平静被打破,或者表达人物内心的宁静被突然打破,接着来个when`````) 还有就是这篇课文很多地方用到with的独立主格结构···句子 也可吸收运用(我们在作文或日常生活中可以经常用WITH了) Today i met a new person,with her eyes big
lesson 5---NO.1走极端go to extreams to````
我想了下还有好多好多··· 今天暂时想着,下午还有两节课要听.你留下你邮箱或者是QQ.我想完了给你发过来,相互交流下.我邮箱是nicholas.zone@163.com