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我最近有机会到一家韩国企业工作 需要熟悉英文 类似关于 什么时间发货 货到没到之类的句式 能否提供一些类似的句式给我呢

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/09 05:50:17
我最近有机会到一家韩国企业工作 需要熟悉英文 类似关于 什么时间发货 货到没到之类的句式 能否提供一些类似的句式给我呢
Recently we have received many letters from our retailers in the New York area, enquiring about the captioned goods. We are sure there will be a big market there for my company. If you could give us your most competitive prices CIF New York, of the following items, we will be very thankful.
We have recently received many inquires from our retailers in the New York area about the captioned goods and are sure that there will therefore be brisk demands on our side. We would appreciate your quoting us your most competitive prices on a CIF basis New York for the following items:
Example 2.
Concerning the four items that were mentioned above, please give us your quotation as soon as possible on a CIF Tokyo basis per yard. Also, in order to help us to apply for the import license, please send us your proforma invoice in triplicate by airmail.
For the proceeding four items, please quote us ASAP your net prices on a CIF Tokyo basis per yard. Moreover, we should like you to airmail by return your proforma invoice in triplicate, which are required for our application for the import license.
• Exercise 1
• Thank you for your letter of December 8. In compliance with your request for samples and sample books, we have sent today by air parcel a range of samples, which are specially selected for their good, hard-wearing qualities, but regret for temporary unavailability of pattern-books.
• Exercise 2.
• 敬谢贵公司8月9日来函,询问有关纺织品事宜.我们也非常高兴地获悉我们的产品在贵地有很好的销路.贵公司有兴趣的六种品质的毛料,我们报价如下:
We thank you for your enquiry of August 9 requesting information of our textile products and were very pleased to learn that there are big demands for them at your end. We now have the pleasure of quoting you the prices for the six items of woolen piece-goods in which you are interested.
• Exercise 3.
• 贵公司必乐于知道,上述最先四项品质的产品,我们有现货.只要收到贵方不可撤消信用证约一周后,我们就能以最早直往纽约的船期载运该货.
• You will be glad to know we have stocks of the first four kinds of goods. We can ship the goods on the first available vessel going directly to New York in about one week’s time after we receive your irrevocable letter of credit.
• You would be pleased to know that we have stocks of the first four qualities which can be shipped by the first available vessel sailing to New York direct approximately one week after receipt of your irrevocable letter of credit.
• Exercise 4.
• 本公司精选了多种样品,并于今天以邮政包裹寄给贵方.我们相信,它们的良好质量、完美设计和合理价格,定能使贵公司相信,这些布料确实货真价实.
We have carefully selected various kinds of patterns and sent to you today by parcel post. We believe that their fine quality, attractive designs and their reasonable prices will convince you that these materials are really good and worth the money.
• Formal:
We have made a good selection of various patterns and sent to you by parcel post. Their fine quality, attractive designs and the reasonable prices at which we offer them will, we believe, convince you that these materials are really good value.
• Exercise 5.
• 请贵公司注意,我们所报的价格是西雅图FOB价,而不是洛杉矶FOB价,并且,此报价有效日期到2004年3月26日截止.贵公司也一定知道,棉布品的需求日益增加,敬请贵公司早日决定和答复.
• Informal:
Please note that our quoted price is FOB Seattle, not FOB Los Angeles. Also note that this offer ends on March 26, 2004. The demand for cotton piece goods has been increasing, so please make up your mind soon and let us know.
• Formal:
Your attention is drawn to the fact that the price we quoted is on FOB Seattle basis rather than on Los Angeles basis and that the expiration date of this offer is March 26, 2004. You may be well aware of the current increasing demand for cotton piece goods, and your early decision and reply are kindly requested.
• Exercise 6.
• 我们知道,贵公司在日本是重要的丝绸进口商之一,故我们向你方所报价格为最低价格,已非任何地方可能取得的.虽然价格低廉,但是运往贵公司的产品质量总是最佳的.
We know that your company is one of the important silk importers in Japan, so the prices we offered to you are the lowest, which are not obtainable in any other place. Although the prices are the lowest, the quality of the goods that we ship to you is always the best.
As we are well aware that you are one of the major importers of silk in Japan, the prices that we have offered to you are the lowest obtainable anywhere, and yet the goods to be shipped to you are of the best quality guaranteed.
• Exercise 7.
• 应贵公司之要求,今附上No.X-15-6 报价单,以供参考.贵公司所询问的三种品质的商品皆为本公司之特有的精品.我们曾大量销售与此同类的衣服到亚洲国家去,与在贵地一样,都赢得了顾客的好评.
According to your request, we are sending you our Quotation No.X-15-6 for your reference. The three items you asked about are our very good quality products. We have sold large quantities of similar garments to the Asian countries before, and they were very well received, just as they are well received in your place.
In compliance with your request, we are submitting to you today our Quotation No. X-15-6 for your consideration, and are pleased to inform you that the three items you enquired about are our specialties. We have exported similar garments in large quantities to other Asian countries where they were just as well received as are at your end.
• Exercise 8.
• 若贵公司需要更详细的资料,惠请通知,我们会立即寄送更多的说明和贵公司所希望得到的样品.
If you need more detailed materials please kindly let us know, and we will send you more such materials and samples that you hope to have, as soon as we receive your instruction.
If you require further details, we will, upon receipt of your instructions, furnish you with pleasure any additional particulars and samples that you may wish to obtain.
• Exercise 9
• 本公司于2月9日奉上商品目录,一直未收到贵公司的任何定单.本公司非常想知道,贵公司是否对我们的产品需要更多的资料.请回复.
We sent you our catalog on Feb. 9, but we haven’t received any orders from you. We want very much to know if you need more materials about our products. Please reply.
Since we sent you our catalog on February 9, we have been expecting your orders, and would like very much to know if there is additional information you require about our products. We look forward to hearing from you.
• Exercise 10.
• 非常高兴收到贵公司的询问信,相信贵公司已经收到我们6月14日寄出的205号样品.现贵公司能看到我们提供的货物,想必贵公司会试订一些.为方便贵公司,于此附上一份订购表格.
Very glad to receive your inquiry, and we believe by now you have received our samples No. 205 we sent you on June 14. Now you are able to see what our products are like, we think you will make a trial order. To make this easier for you, we are enclosing an order form.
We were pleased to receive your inquiry, and believed that you have received the No. 205 samples that we sent on June 14. Now that you have had a chance to examine what we have to offer, we presume that you may place a trial order. We today take the liberty of enclosing an order form, for your convenience.