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英语翻译The U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/05 23:29:16
The U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved (bromocriptine mesylate) for the treatment ofType 2 diabetes.Cycloset improves glycemic control across a broad patient population as a monotherapy or as an adjunctive therapy to sulfonylurea,metformin plus sulfonylurea,and single or dual oral hypoglycaemic agent therapies.
Cycloset is the first drug to be approved subsequent to the FDA's new guidelines that require studies demonstrating that diabetes drugs do not increase cardiovascular risk.A 52 week,double-blind safety trial of 3,000 patients treated with Cycloset did not show an increase in pre-specified and independently adjudicated adverse cardiovascular outcomes—a composite of myocardial infarction,stroke,hospitalization forunstableangina,congestive heart failure,and revascularization surgery—compared to patients taking a placebo (HR 0.58; CI 0.35-0.96).
Cycloset represents a new therapeutic approach in the management of Type 2 diabetes.It is the first drug for patients with diabetes that targets the body's dopamine activity,a chemical messenger between neurons,or nerve cells,within the nervous system.A dopamine agonist,Cycloset increases dopamine activity.While the specific mechanism by which Cycloset improvesglycemic controlin humans is unknown,the development of Cycloset for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes was based upon preclinical studies that have shown brain dopamine activity to be low in metabolic disease states and that this factor contributes to multiple metabolic dysfunctions such as insulin resistance—the loss of the body's ability to respond to the blood sugar lowering effects of insulin—observed in Type 2 diabetes.Moreover,preclinical studies of diabetic animals have shown that treatment with a dopamine agonist as in Cycloset acts upon the central nervous system to reset and improve control of peripheral metabolism.
2003年10月因视物变形及中心有暗影(约2月)求医中国人民解放军南京军区总医院,经荧光造影( FFA检查)所见:左眼黄斑部见纵条状荧光灶,右眼黄斑未见明显异常荧光,诊断结论为左眼黄斑部病变(高度近视性) ,治疗方案为服用沃丽汀及来益胶丸(维E节) ,药物服用至2004年年底后未再服用,其后未再有任何检查和治疗.
2009年年7月起感觉左眼中心暗影范围明显增加,对光刺激反应明显,视力仍在退化,再次求医南京军区总院,经检查左眼底呈豹纹状,视盘(一) ,黄斑部福克氏斑表现,再次造影检查所见:双眼黄斑部见局限多点状荧光,未见荧光下渗漏,诊断结论为:双眼高度近视性黄斑变性,现治疗方案为服用药物递法明片(药厂•乐和甘夫人Mediolanum )及银杏叶片;滴用Augentropfen眼药水(医药Stulln有限公司)
现咨询:1 ,有否手术治疗或其他更好治疗方案?
2 ,如药物治疗,目前最好的治疗药物及药物购买渠道与方法.美国食品和药物管理局( FDA )已经批准(甲磺酸溴隐亭)治疗ofType 2型糖尿病.Cycloset改善血糖控制在广泛的患者群作为一个单一或作为辅助治疗,以磺酰脲类,二甲双胍加磺脲类,和单或双口服降血糖剂疗法.
Cycloset是第一个获得批准的药物之后,美国食品和药物管理局的新准则,要求研究表明,糖尿病药物不会增加心血管疾病的危险.一位52周双盲试验的3000名安全患者Cycloset并没有显示增加了预先指定的和独立的裁决不利心血管成果,一个综合的心肌梗死,中风,住院forunstableangina ,充血性心力衰竭和心肌血运重建手术病人相比,服用安慰剂(人力资源0.58 ;传播0.35-0.96 ) .
Cycloset代表着一种新治疗方法的管理,2型糖尿病.这是第一个药物的糖尿病患者,针对人体的多巴胺活动,神经元之间的化学信使,或神经细胞,在中枢神经系统.多巴胺受体激动剂,Cycloset增加多巴胺的活动.虽然具体的机制,Cycloset improvesglycemic controlin人类不明,发展Cycloset用于治疗2型糖尿病是根据临床前研究,表明脑多巴胺活性较低的代谢性疾病的国家,这一因素有助于多代谢功能障碍,如胰岛素抵抗,失去身体的反应能力降低血糖的影响胰岛素观察2型糖尿病患者.此外,临床前研究的糖尿病动物身上的实验显示,治疗与多巴胺激动剂如Cycloset行为对中枢神经系统的重置和改善代谢控制的周围.