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英语翻译On the left is a diagram comparing the upper (first two

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 00:12:37
On the left is a diagram comparing the upper (first two rows) and lower limb bones of a chimpanzee (Pan),"Lucy," a form of A.afarensis,BOU-12/1,the bones which may belong to A.garhi,KNM-WT-15000,an early form of H.erectus,and Homo (modern).
The BOU-12/1 limb bones,if they do belong to A.garhi,indicate a move away from the earlier australopithecine pattern,where the forearms were long compared with the leg bones,and a move toward a more Homo like pattern.Homo erectus,who first appeared in the evolutionary record some 1.7 - 1.8 million years ago,had shortened forearms and longer legs,much like modern humans.The new limbs bones ball right in the middle:the leg bones are longer than the earlier australopithecines,although the forearms are still long.
afarensis的意思式阿法种南方古猿 australopithecine是南方古猿 erectus是猿人 garhi是惊奇种南方古猿 把每句话的意思翻译明白就行
On the left is a diagram comparing the upper (first two rows) and lower limb bones of a chimpanzee (Pan),"Lucy," a form of A.afarensis,BOU-12/1,the bones which may belong to A.garhi,KNM-WT-15000,an early form of H.erectus,and Homo (modern).
(在)左边是一个图,这个图对 “【黑猩猩(请摇摆镜头)"Lucy," (露西:黑猩猩的名字)的上肢骨(见头两排)和下肢骨】”进行了比较,.(据)英国鸟类学会(British Ornithologists' Union)-12/1(报道),Lucy," (露西)是一种阿法种南方古猿,它们的骨骼可能属于A级,即属于“garhi ” ,KNM-WT-15000”(级别)(肯尼亚国家博物馆West Turkana湖区第15000号出土文物),这些骨骼是早期直立行走的人的一种骨骼(形式),也是人类(现代人)的人的一种骨骼(形式).
The BOU12/1 limb bones,if they do belong to A.garhi,indicate a move away from the earlier australopithecine pattern,where the forearms were long compared with the leg bones,and a move toward a more Homo like pattern.
英国鸟类学会-12/1(命名的)这些下肢骨,如果(它们)属于A级,即“garhi” 级别,那么,这些下肢骨就表明(a):(它们)与早期的南方古猿的骨骼结构形式相差甚远,(因为)在南方古猿的骨骼中,前臂与小腿骨骼相比(而言前臂)较长,而且还表明(b):(BOU-12/1 命名的这些下肢骨)更向(我们)人类骨骼结构的一种趋势.
Homo erectus,who first appeared in the evolutionary record some 1.7 - 1.8 million years ago,had shortened forearms and longer legs,much like modern humans.The new limbs bones ball right in the middle:the leg bones are longer than the earlier australopithecines,although the forearms are still long.
直立人,最早出现在(距今)大约1.7 到1.8百万年前的进化记录中,它们的前臂(在进化中)已经缩短了,而它们的腿较长,(这一点)很像现代人(的腿).新(进化的)四肢骨骼在中间都呈现球形连接(捏成球状):虽然前臂仍然很长,但是,小腿骨比早期的南方古猿的(小腿骨)更长.
说明:严格的直接译文,注意:【.】是一个整体大名词结构,除了“(请摇摆镜头)” 和“(见头两排)”是原文本身的括号以外,其它的括号或字母(a),(b)都是为了更好理解原文而附加的.不理会它们只要理解文章也行.
最后感谢楼上的“老公要穿七匹狼”根据外国人提供的“KNM-WT-15000”的解释:(肯尼亚国家博物馆West Turkana湖区第15000号出土文物),其它全部是按照原文结构我自己翻译的译文,请楼主请求懂英语的高手审批:一看就会知道我的译文多么符合原文的有滋有味,就是说我的是正确的译文,其它绝没有参考别人的人任何部分,特此说明.随便说一下,楼上的热心人译文我发表后观看的结论是:大部分还是正确的,但是都不同程度上存在错误,因为这些错误的东西显然不符合原文的结构.